Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bible Verse About Prophecy on Ending the War - How and When to be fulfilled?

This was already prophecised on the Bible verse written at the book of Isaiah chapter 2 verse 4, saying that our Lord will judge among the nations and His going to rebuke men according to what they have done. And now maybe you are wondering how and when it will happen.

In the present time, man are preparing on war and some of them are really focus on studying how to win in the battlefield, this are only signs that prophecy are near to fulfill. At the book of Matthew chapter 24 verse 7, our Lord said, before the end of the world, nation are going to rise against nation and they both end only on destructions (because no one are winners when it came to war). The meek will remain and they will inherit the earth according to Bible verses in the Book of Matthew chapter 5 verse 5 (they are the winners).

After the war, God will command the people to stop studying about war, like military trainings and He will also tell them to convert deadly weapons into industrial and agricultural materials.

These events are not so long to happen because we can almost see the sign of prophecy in these days, such as rumours of wars, pestilence, earthquakes, flood and many calamities happening on different places of the world. All of these things must happen before the prophecy of ending war fulfilled. The question now is, are you ready if these prophecies happened?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Christian meditation is a way of communicating with God. Christians can use this meditation to clear their minds of the busy thoughts of the day and concentrate solely on worshipping God and learning the truths of the Bible.

Centuries ago, monks began practicing Christian meditation by reading over verses in the Bible and then thinking about the truths in these verses. Often, they would say the verses to God as a prayer. In this way, the monks learned to speak to God in prayer, and learned how to tell God their own thoughts and concerns. By meditating on Bible verses and praying to God, the monks trained their minds to always think about God. They called this “contemplation”, and it helped them to have a close, loving relationship with God.

By following this method of communicating with God, the monks created what is called the “ladder of prayer”. The rungs of the ladder included reading Bible verses, thinking about the truths in the verses, praying to God, and learning to think about God always.

In the 1900s, two types of Christian meditation were used. Using a mantra, or word that is repeated to help the Christian focus on God, was one type of meditation. An example of a mantra would be the word Maranatha, which is an Aramaic word for “come, Lord”. Christians would also use what is called a Centering Prayer, which uses a sacred word or words to bring the Christian into God’s presence. These two types of Christian meditation helped the people using them to take their focus off their own problems and to turn to God to hear what He had to say to them.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Most Un - Famous Quotes
"If FAITH can move mountains and HOPE can wait forever, then CHARITY with LOVE can conquer the world." ~~~GetSickCure

Matthew 17:20
Romans 8:24-25
1 Corinthians 13:13
1 John 4:8

The Most Un - Famous Quotes
"If FAITH can move mountains and HOPE can wait forever, then CHARITY with LOVE can conquer the world." ~~~GetSickCure

Matthew 17:20
Romans 8:24-25
1 Corinthians 13:13
1 John 4:8

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Protandim Supplement Anti-Aging Drug Causes Surge in Stock Price for Parent Company Lifevantage Corporation

In less than a 30 day period, the stock price of the Lifevantage Corporation (LFVN) rose by over 19% based on some changes in management and board of directors. The stock which currently resides at about a dollar and a half is still a good buy according to analysts based on the performance of its primary product, Protandim.

Protandim is a dietary supplement which has been clinically proven to reduce the effects of oxidative stress, as well as the progressive rate of cellular aging according to the company. Secondary to the Protandim is LifeVantage TrueScience Anti-Aging Cream.

Roland Martin's mea culpa: Hermeneutics of the self-erasing (non-)apology

Roland Martin has issued a mea culpa about remarks he made on Super Bowl Sunday which he acknowledges may have been construed as homophobic and which thus dismayed or distressed members of the public. GLAAD, in turn, has posted a counter-statement. (Read about it here.)
Posted late last night, Martin’s note is full of conciliatory language and it gives a run-down of the syndicated columnist and author’s bona fides as an outspoken critic of bullying and bigotry.
Yet it contains a coded sentence which makes the whole thing more ambivalent than it sounds

CNN suspends analyst Roland Martin for 'offensive' remarks

(CNN) -- CNN said Wednesday it has suspended political analyst Roland Martin for "regrettable and offensive" Tweets written during the Super Bowl that critics said appeared to call for violence against gays.
"Roland Martin's Tweets were regrettable and offensive," the network said in a statement. "Language that demeans is inconsistent with the values and culture of our organization, and is not tolerated. We have been giving careful consideration to this matter, and Roland will not be appearing on our air for the time being." The statement did not specify how long Roland would be suspended.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Occupy Wall Street Press Release: AMERICA OCCUPIES THE CAPITAL

Washington, DC—On January 17 Americans from across the nation and the world will assemble in the shadows of a broken system to participate in real democracy.
At 9 am on the opening day of Congress, Occupy Congress will convene for a day of action against a corrupt political institution. Actions include a multi-occupational General Assembly, teach-ins, an OCCUParty, a pink slip for every congressional “representative” and a march on all three branches of a puppet government that sold our rights and our futures to the 1%.
This is an illegitimate system. Around half of the nation’s population doesn’t participate in electoral politics. More than 6 million Americans who want to vote are disenfranchised, including the entire populace of the District of Columbia. There is consensus that we are on the wrong track and that our “leaders” do not have our interests at heart.

Occupy Congress: Could it be politics as unusual?

Thousands of Occupy protesters from across the country are expected to converge Tuesday on Capitol Hill to take their message to the halls of Congress, in what some observers say is the movement’s overdue moment to engage the American political system.
Protesters already have set up camps in public spaces, taken over foreclosed homes and  shut down key shipping ports, but for the most part they have shunned the political system, viewing it as beyond salvation.
The congressional protest – which falls on the movement's four-month mark and the beginning of a new session of Congress – appears to represent a strategic shift aimed at winning support of the many Americans disillusioned with the legislative branch.
Read More . . .

Occupy Congress launched as Congress reconvenes

After a slow sputtering, Occupy Wall Street is attempting a resurrection, or perhaps a mutation, taking advice from observers that maybe the government should be occupied instead of Wall Street, by launching “Occupy Congress” today.
Events got under way at 9:00am. The press release states:
Occupy Congress will convene for a day of action against a corrupt political institution. Actions include a multi-occupational General Assembly, teach-ins, an OCCUParty, a pink slip for every congressional “representative” and a march on all three branches of a puppet government that sold our rights and our futures to the 1%.
It is being billed as an effort including Americans from all “across the country and the world,” and no doubt they will be joining forces with Occupy D. C., which has entrenched itself amidst the dropping temperatures, as profiled by Death and Taxes contributor Carlton Purvis.

Occupy Congress: Protesters gathering outside Capitol (live updates)

The rain isn’t delaying the events of a long-planned protest, Occupy Congress, by members of the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Their numbers aren’t as large as they initially indicated, but protesters involved with Occupy Congress are gathering outside the Capitol, waving signs and chanting against a barrier of police.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Lana Del Rey On SNL: Internet Sensation Bombs On Her U.S. TV Debut (VIDEO)

Her performance Saturday night was under high scrutiny by those who are familiar with her internet videos, and her American debut for those who've never heard her name. 

For these reasons, it possibly couldn't have gone worse. Del Rey, who had expressed her nervousness before the show, was pitchy and strangely guttural in her renditions of "Video Games" and "Blue Jeans." 

Those who have only heard Del Rey online wondered whether she just isn't meant for the stage. Those who hadn't wondered how she slipped through the cracks and onto SNL

According to the Hollywood Reporter, actress Juliette Lewis tweeted, "Wow watching this 'singer' on SNL is like watching a 12 year old in their bedroom when they're pretending to sing and perform. #signofourtimes." 

The tweet has since been removed from Lewis' account. The rest of the Twitterverse shared similar reactions, calling the performance "cringeworthy" and a "snoozefest." 

Perez Hilton warned that we "#DontBuyTheHype." Others were kinder -- one tweeter said "it was better than Ashlee Simpsons' disaster."
Still, we wonder how little this has to do with talent, and how much with nerves. 

After all, we've seen her perform for a television audience outside the U.S. Her rendition of "Video Games" on Jools Holland, for one, was decent, and far from deserving this sort of criticism. 

Is this just be a case of being pushed into the spotlight too fast, with too much pressure for perfection? Or has Del Rey's starpower faded before she's even put out her first album? Let us know what you think in the comments.