Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Occupy Congress launched as Congress reconvenes

After a slow sputtering, Occupy Wall Street is attempting a resurrection, or perhaps a mutation, taking advice from observers that maybe the government should be occupied instead of Wall Street, by launching “Occupy Congress” today.
Events got under way at 9:00am. The press release states:
Occupy Congress will convene for a day of action against a corrupt political institution. Actions include a multi-occupational General Assembly, teach-ins, an OCCUParty, a pink slip for every congressional “representative” and a march on all three branches of a puppet government that sold our rights and our futures to the 1%.
It is being billed as an effort including Americans from all “across the country and the world,” and no doubt they will be joining forces with Occupy D. C., which has entrenched itself amidst the dropping temperatures, as profiled by Death and Taxes contributor Carlton Purvis.

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